What Are the Healthiest Candle Waxes to Burn?

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What Are the Healthiest Candle Waxes to Burn?

When you think of a candle, it's likely that the first thing that comes to mind is the mesmerizing flicker of its flame or its delightful fragrance that fills your home. However, an often overlooked aspect of candles is the type of wax they're made from. With increasing awareness about health and sustainability, it's crucial to choose the healthiest candle wax for your home. In this article, we'll delve into some popular options: paraffin, soy, beeswax, and coconut.

Dreamer in London Scented Candle

Paraffin Wax: Not All Bad

Derived from petroleum, coal, or shale oil, paraffin wax has been a staple in the candle industry for years. Critics often highlight its potential to release toxic chemicals when burned. However, a closer look reveals that if you opt for food-grade paraffin and use it sparingly, in combination with vegetable waxes, it can be relatively safe. That said, the key is to ensure you're not using candles made entirely of non-food grade paraffin and that you ensure good ventilation when burning them.

Soy Wax: A Healthy Favorite

Made from the oil of soybeans, soy wax has gained immense popularity in recent years. There are several reasons for this:

  • Eco-Friendly: Soy wax is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally-friendly choice.

  • Clean Burn: It burns cleaner than many other waxes, producing less soot and reducing the risk of allergens in your indoor air.

  • Long-Lasting: Candles made of soy wax typically last longer, allowing you to enjoy the ambiance and fragrance for more extended periods.

Beeswax: A Double-Edged Sword

Beeswax is the oldest known candle wax and has been used for thousands of years. It boasts a clean burn and a natural, sweet scent. However, there are concerns associated with its use:

  • Impact on Bees: The increasing demand for beeswax puts stress on bee populations. Overharvesting can lead to inadequate resources for the bees themselves.

  • Allergy Concerns: While not common, some people are allergic to bee or honey products, and burning beeswax candles could trigger allergic reactions in such individuals.

Coconut Wax: The Tropical Alternative

Extracted from coconut oil, coconut wax is a newer entrant to the candle market. There's a lot to love about this wax:

  • Sustainability: Coconut palms are abundant and can produce fruit (and thereby oil) for many years.

  • Clean Burn: Similar to soy wax, coconut wax offers a clean burn, ensuring your home's air remains relatively pure.

  • Fragrance Retention: Coconut wax has an excellent capacity to hold fragrance, making your candle experiences even more enjoyable.

Conclusion: Soy and Coconut Steal the Show

Taking into consideration sustainability, health, and burn quality, it's clear that soy and coconut waxes emerge as the top contenders for the healthiest candle waxes to burn. While beeswax offers a clean burn, concerns about its impact on bee populations make it a less sustainable option. As for paraffin, while it's not the villain it's often made out to be (especially when food-grade and combined with vegetable waxes), there are cleaner, more sustainable alternatives available.

So, the next time you're on the hunt for a new candle, consider those made from soy or coconut wax. Not only will you be making a healthier choice for your home, but you'll also be supporting more sustainable practices.

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